DMG is a German Christian missionary fellowship engaged in helping people and spreading the Gospel of Jesus. We offer many opportunities to Christians of all generations to serve in other countries and cultures. We want to encourage churches and support them in sending their missionaries. Our global network of partners is a blessing, enabling us to serve in nearly every country in the world in an amazing variety of ministries. Our work is funded by donations and the sending churches. Prayer, one of the DMG core values since our foundation in 1951, is vital to every aspect of our work. We take God’s call seriously to serve all the peoples of the world, and we invite you to join us!

DMG employs about 400 missionaries worldwide and is working in over 60 countries. Our home base in South Germany is a workplace for around 50 employees and a home to missionaries when they come to Germany. Our work is based on the mandate Jesus Christ gave his church: To make his Good News known to the world. Therefore, we encourage and support churches in sending out missionaries. The organization chart for the staff at the home base reflects this mission focus:

The work we are doing for and with God is centered on the missionaries who are ambassadors for the Gospel of Christ.

DMG is a German Christian missionary fellowship dedicated to helping people and spreading the Gospel of Jesus. We offer many opportunities for Christians of all generations to serve in other countries and cultures. We want to encourage and support churches in sending their missionaries. Our global network of partners is a blessing, enabling us to serve in an amazing variety of ministries in almost every country in the world. Our work is funded by donations and the sending churches. Prayer, one of DMG's core values since our foundation in 1951, is vital to every aspect of our work. We take seriously God's call to serve all the peoples of the world and we invite you to join us!

DMG employs around 380 missionaries worldwide and works in over 60 countries. Our home base in southern Germany is a workplace for around 50 staff and a second home for missionaries when they come to Germany. Our work is centred on the mission that Jesus Christ has given to his church: To make his good news known to the whole world. That is why we encourage and support churches in sending out missionaries. The team structure of our home base reflects this mission focus:

The work we do for and with God is centred on missionaries who are ambassadors for the Gospel of Christ.


Churches and friends support our missionaries and staff through prayer and donations, thereby actively contributing to God's global mission. Mission is not a one-way street, it is from everywhere to everywhere. So we help workers from other continents to find their place in mission projects, for example in Germany.
Most of our workers are long-term missionaries (2 years or more). Every year we also send out short-term volunteers (1-2 years). They are involved in various projects such as: helping immigrants, social projects, church planting, Bible translation, theological teaching, medical care, youth work, street work, educational projects, media ministry, seafarers' ministry, technical support and many others.


We want to listen to God. As we ask Him for direction in our mission work, priorities have emerged to guide us:

  • Is the project serving people who have not yet had the opportunity to hear about Jesus?
  • Is the project strategically important? Does it reach many people, does it encourage discipleship in a particular way, or is it a new, innovative way of serving God and people?
  • Is the work sustainable? Does it involve the local community?
  • Can the project be replicated? Will people be empowered to empower others?
  • Is the project feasible? Are the effort, complexity and risks proportionate to the goals of the work?
  • Will the project reach people in need? Is there an emergency (e.g. after a disaster) that requires our immediate help?

Unreached Ethnic Groups


Active Missionaries




DMG has always worked with local and global partners. Since our foundation in 1951, we have maintained a close relationship with SIM. In 2020, DMG became the official SIM office in Germany.

SIM works with around 4,000 workers in more than 70 countries. Missionaries from Germany who wish to serve with SIM are accepted and equipped by DMG, and then supported through mentoring and regular prayer.

More about SIM: www.SIM.org

SIM Germany is DMG interpersonal
SIM Germany is DMG interpersonal


DMG does not start its own projects but always seeks cooperation with partners at the place of ministry. We are well connected with international missions, as well as with local church movements or ministries of all sizes. Currently, we are working with more than 100 partner organisations all over the world, co-workers in God’s global plans. Wherever we serve, our workers are part of intercultural teams. We want to love people, share everyday life and learn from each other.


DMG does not start its own projects but always seeks cooperation with partners at the place of ministry. We are well connected with international missions, as well as with local church movements or ministries of all sizes. Currently, we are working with more than 100 partner organizations all over the world, co-workers in God’s global plans. Wherever we serve, our workers are part of intercultural teams. We want to love people, share everyday life and learn from each other.

Our Mission

Today around 430 employees are on duty through DMG for long-term and medium-term assignments in approx. 60 countries worldwide. In addition, there are around short-term employees every year. We want to pass on God's love.

How to contact us

DMG interpersonal e.V.
Buchenauerhof 2
74889 Sinsheim

Social Media

We are happy to keep you up to date via social media on what God is doing around the world. Or install the DMG app on your smartphone.

Copyright 2025, DMG interpersonal e.V. All rights reserved.
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