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Sie sind fit im Erstellen und Gestalten von Websites? Verbringen Sie 2 Monate in Kenia bei unserem Partnerwerk "Life Challange" und helfen Sie, die Webstie der Organisation auf die Füße zu stellen. Gute Englischkenntnisse sind zwingend notwendig.
Life Challenge (LCA) is a training and resource ministry that serves the Church throughout sub-Saharan Africa to share Christ with their Muslim neighbours. We have been preparing evangelistic and training materials since the 1970s and our publications have been widely used in Southern, West- and East Africa and even been appreciated in India.
But these days many believers, and especially the younger generation, rather prefer to find such tools on their mobile phone. LCA launched a basic website with the help of a short-termer in 2001 and has repeatedly tried to build on these simple beginnings with rather small success. Have a look at our website www.life-challenge.org, and you will surely find much room for improvement. We are looking for a passionate Short-termer who would enjoy to spice up this Website for us.
- be able to communicate fairly well in English
- bring along a passion for webpage design and knowledge of website management
- You will be part of an international team who will interact with you to develop the website in a culturally appropriate and relevant way to communicate to our African audience.
- Mindestalter: 21 Jahre